Friday 10 March 2017




Once Lord Shiva was in deep meditation , and a great calamity was about to befall. Everybody tried to shake off Lord Shiva from his deep Turiya meditation—and we unsuccessful. Shiva’s son Ganesha used his initiative and whispered into Nandi’s ear and Shiva was woken up. It shows that Nandi is a medium to reach Shiva.


During Samudra manthan Lord Shiva and Nandi drank up the poison.

The devas forgot to thank Nandi ( who lapped up the spilling halahala poison when Parvati pressed the throat of Shiva- and saved the cosmos ) and were celebrating .

Suddenly they realized that they forgot to thanks Nandi and they did so at Pradosham time-- thrayodhasi (thirteenth moon day). The point of time when triyodashi (13th day of the fortnight) meets the end of dwadasi (12th day of fortnight) is called Pradosham.

Shiva was very happy and he started dancing on the horns of Nandi.

The larger energy level Pradosham occurs when one of the 13th moon days occurs on a Saturday. The planet Saturn is considered the Lord of Karma who helps us lessen our Karmic baggage and evolve our souls.

On a Saturday Pradosham it is believed that Lord Shiva has more influence over Saturn and can cause Saturn to loosen or release entirely some of the karmic bonds that limit us.

During pradosha, Nandi (the sacred bull of Shiva) in all the Shiva temples .

Kshetra puranas

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